Resolutions are soooo 20th Century! Lifestyle changes are where it's AT! December's final week finds everyone scrambling to discover everything they wish to change about their lives and themselves. WE often choose impossible goals, believing we'll feel like 'better people' if we achieve those goals. When the entire year passes and Mt. Kilamanjaro is still unclimbed, we feel they've let ourselves down because we're not 'enough'. When the 40 extra pounds doesn't fall off in a week, we feel guilty about that one piece of chocolate. Which sends us straight to the entire box. And a bag of chips. And eating every little thing we know we shouldn't, cos we already have, so why not... I'm all for dreaming, and dreaming HOOJUNS, as my then 2-year old nephew used to say. I've also learned that I don't care for self-flagellation. Resolutions are made to be broken, goes one of my hated cliches, so I resolve to not make any resolutions. Can't break what ya don't make!

Instead, I choose to pay attention to my instinct. If you really listen, your body and your soul will help you decide what, and who, works for you, and what doesn't. Like garlic. I love garlic. Garlic hates me. It's hell going to an Italian restaurant and telling the server I can't eat garlic! Correction. I CAN eat garlic. But if I do so, garlic will hand me one mother of a payback! I find garlic issues throughout my daily life. Only now, I have garlic's number. My Self-Sabotaging Self is screaming at my Better Self to just LISTEN. Learning to actually HEAR has been one of the hardest lessons of my life, and was going totally against my lifetime nature. This internal civil war raged on inside of me for this entire past year. But what a weight was lifted from everything about me when victory was achieved! People, places, things... all in their proper perspectives in my mind's eye, and in my heart. Even through sadness, I feel such boundless freedom, to be me. To wade through life leaving behind as much stress, negativity, and insanity ('Doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting different results'~Albert Einstein) as possible. And to face the winds of change headfirst, relishing the chance to JUST BREATHE, and see what amazing life the future holds!

Pick and choose your battles wisely. Forgive and forget. Or simply forgive; you bear the brunt of that stress, and move on. Stop right now, or at some point today, and really think about what you can and cannot tolerate. Who makes you feel supported and loved, no matter what, and who makes you anxious just thinking their name to yourself. Refuse negative repetition; no more brick walls to bang your head against! Remove any and all toxicity from your life, as best as you can. Then sit down with that hot chocolate with extra creamy whipped, cos all things in moderation are healthy! Walk, run, skip or play a bit extra the next day: you'll feel happier and cancel those extra cals, by having FUN. Do YOUR life, YOUR way! NOW, can you hear it????
Let the bells of freedom chime in your mind, and feel free to be yourself!
Find your brass rings! Search for every silver lining! Reach for the stars!
Make that lemonade! Hang your own moon! Smile in your mirror at your sassy self!
So much is possible, if you only believe in yourself!
May 2012 be filled with enlightenment, joy, laughter, and the strength and courage to get through everything else!