P.S. This is the final paragraphs of Kev's blog; for some reason, the text changed colors on me and I'm not blog-literate enough as yet to figure out what happened or fix it on the main blog... Please don't miss the finale; it's one of the most important parts! Again, thank you for reading!

When Kev was created, there was no mold to break. Cos there was no mold! He was traditional but not traditional. He played with dolls growing up but could build a house from foundation to finish, including landscaping. He was passionate and serious, together and separately. He was life personified; no one would tell you any differently. He wanted a Celebration of Life, not a weepy funeral service. And that's what he got. Laughter, tears both sad and happy, loved ones of all ages, genders, backgrounds, coming together to celebrate the wonder that was Kev. We toasted the blessing that was Kev with a shot of Jim Beam; his favorite. I think I felt him smile! I shall keep our pacts, our mantra's, and all the beautifully invaluable lessons life with Kev has taught me. I think the reason I can't feel that broken 'bond'? Because he's not gone! I feel his presence everywhere, in everything. I'm learning to see the world anew, from his perspective and viewpoint. As long as I breathe, Kev will never be forgotten. In many many ways, I hope to make sure of that. I love you, Mon BB... forever past infinity... XOXOX
~* PEACE *~